Tuesday, October 30, 2012

C3 Report: Volume 5 Issue X  - (October 2012)
In This Issue
New Subscribers
It's been a few months, so it's a long list. A warm welcome to: Roger, Chuck, Cynthia, Chris, Jo-Bette, Christella, Stephen, Ron, David (3), William, Dick, Steven, Rob, Betsy, Barbara (2), Lynn, Patricia, Karen, Delores, Mark, Lee, Stephanie, Brenda, Dan, John (3), Lois, Marianne, Lisa, Jim, Janey, Susan, Delores, Robert (2), Mary, Carol, Harry, Scott, Dustin, Kali, Joseph, James, Brad, Pat as new subscribers to the monthly C3 Report.
A Word
It's end-game for the election. I encourage everyone to continue to pray that the Lord would allow godly leaders to be elected at all levels of government, and that each would understand they serve us before an almighty God for whom they will give account.
Since meeting with pastors, ministry leaders and speaking at a large variety of venues has taken center stage, we haven't been having our C3 lunches for a long time. As you will see below, I've scheduled them for the 13th (Escondido) and the 15th (San Diego). I hope your schedule allows you to come and share your election experiences and what your insight tells you for the labors ahead.
Yours in Christ,
Frank Kacer
Christian Citizenship Council (Since '02)
Proverbs 14:34
November C3 Lunch Meetings
  • 13th of November (Tuesday) - Escondido: Marie Callender's; 615 West 13th Avenue - Lunch from 11:30 to 1:00 (Library Room)
  • 15th of November (Thursday) - San Diego: Marie Callender's; 6950 Alvarado Road - Lunch from 11:30 to 1:00 (Back Room by fireplace)
Recommendations on the Statewide Propositions
The following are bottom lines for me on the 11 statewide Propositions. For the rationale and Biblical basis go to: Kacer's Call.
  • Prop 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education - Oppose (NO)
  • Prop 31: Establish Two Year State Budget Cycle - Oppose (NO)
  • Prop 32: Prohibitions on Political Candidate Contributions - Support (YES)
  • Prop 33: Auto Insurance Companies Use Drivers Insurance History - Support (YES)
  • Prop 34: Repeal of Death Penalty - Oppose (NO)
  • Prop 35: Human Trafficking Penalties and Sex Offender Registration - Support (YES)
  • Prop 36: Revisions to Three Strikes Law - Unclear Measure. Oppose (NO)
  • Prop 37: Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food- Oppose (NO)
  • Prop 38: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education & Early Childhood Programs - Oppose (NO)
  • Prop 39: Taxing of Multistate Businesses & Clean Energy Funding - Oppose (NO)
  • Prop 40: State Senate District Boundaries - Support (YES)
Selected Election Resources
(For Personal Use, Not church Endorsement)
Nonpartisan Websites:   
(biographies, voting records, endorsements, positions; etc.)
Other sites with differing viewpoints, personal opinions of provider, etc.:  
To verify receipt of your absentee ballot:
For guidelines on what a church can do at election time:  
Washington Times "Biblical Politics" Column
Feel free to visit these sites and "weigh in" to a larger community.
Our Presidential Election and the Future of Israel
CALIFORNIA October 19, 2012 - Few national elections have as many consequences as the one we face in November. The economy, national debt, first amendment freedoms, and the sanctity of life and marriage are all at stake. Unfortunately, this divisive political campaign has overshadowed the future of our nation's spiritual soul-mate: Israel. (To read the rest of the article click here)
The News Media as Useful Idiots
The Presidential debate was a rare opportunity for the public to see the candidates without being manipulated by the press.
CALIFORNIA, October 6, 2012 - The first Presidential debate was a remarkable illustration of the Biblical truth expressed in Proverbs 18:17, "The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." The amount of surprise and shock in how well Romney performed, and how poorly Obama did was both immediate and strong. The question that needs asking is why was this so unexpected? (To read the rest of the article click here)
Upcoming Activities Worthy of Involvement
Now: Hillsdale College On-Line Course: Constitution 201. This Free on-line course follows the first Constitution course taught earlier this year. This series is entitled: "The Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism". Go to: http://www.hillsdale.edu for more information and to register.
Now to 6 November: Final Period of "40 Days to Save America". National prayer and fasting effort prior to the General Election. More info can be found at: http://www.40daysofprayer.net
6 November: California General Election (Last Day to Vote). You know what to do: Vote! And encourage everyone that's like-minded (both those that vote Biblically and those sympathetic with conservative values) to vote also.
9 - 11 November: San Diego Christian Film Festival. The 3rd Annual San Diego Christian Film Festival will be held at the Birch North Park Theater, 2891 University Avenue San Diego. For detailed schedule and pricing information go to: http://www.sdcff2012.com or to financially support this festival go to: changingthefaceoffilm.com.
12 November: San Diego Strategic Forum. The monthly Strategic Forum will be meeting from 7:00-9:00 pm at East Clairemont Baptist Church (4633 Doliva Dr. San Diego 92117).
15 - 18 November: WallBuilders ProFamily Legislator Conference. Encourage our legislators to attend this national conference hosted by David Barton for Legislators, staff and non-legislators. It will address current public policy issues in a manner that honors our Judeo-Christian heritage and our founders vision. Go to www.profamily.com for more information.  
22 November: Thanksgiving. "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ" - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Minute Ministry Tip #7 (From October 2010)
Get-Out-The-Vote. It seems every election is the most important one we've ever had. In some respects they have become more critical over the years because of the government's increasingly irresponsible lack of fiscal and moral restraint. Many factors are making this particular election a bellwether for correcting the destructive "changes" being imposed upon the entire nation. Grassroots involvement has rarely been as intense as this time around. To continue the momentum, I encourage each of us to perform our own little "Get-Out-The-Vote" campaign with our families, friends, and particularly our church contacts. Encourage everyone you meet (who shares your values) to commit to vote. Don't forget about shut-ins or the frail (family, friends, and acquaintances) who may have difficulty physically getting out to vote, or may be overlooking their absentee ballots.
Make up a phone call and e-blast list to remind people to vote, particularly over the weekend before the election, and then on Election Day for final stragglers. Make yourself available to drive someone to the polls if necessary. Finally, remember to be creative, gracious, and available, but without nagging. Every vote does count, but our Christ like behavior towards others will count even more.  
Standing Offer
If you have a pastor or ministry leader who's willing to discuss these types of ministries in a legal, Christ-honoring, biblically-balanced way, I'll take them to lunch to talk about it. There's no obligation, and you have nothing to lose. 
Contact Information:
Frank Kacer
Executive Director of the Christian Citizenship Council (C3) of San Diego
C3 is a 501(c)3 organization, serving the Christian community since 2004
C3 Vision Statement
"The Christian Citizenship Council of San Diego exists to encourage and equip Churches and believers to apply biblical principles to all spheres of the culture around us, and to all of life"
(Matt 5:13-16; 16:18; 22:39; Jer 29:7)
"When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan" (Prov 29:2)