Kacer’s Call - November 6, 2012 - California General Election
General Guidelines - How I try to approach
· Do: First read the Summary,
Analysis, Actual Text, then the Arguments for and against
· Do: Ask yourself if this is
a proper role of government
· Do: Ask yourself if this is
the right thing to do, who benefits, and what consequences result
· Do: Determine what
principles apply (Biblical, conservative, practical)
· Do: Apply common sense; come
to tentative conclusion – find position of those you trust
· Don’t: Rely on organizations by name only (many sound good but can be
· Don’t: Wait until the last day to do your research (spread it out over time)
· Don’t: Support government going into future debt (some very rare exceptions)
· Don’t: Allow rare circumstances to overly influence you (“rare cases make bad
· Don’t: Support anything that’s too complex to completely understand (beware obfuscation)
· Don’t: Accept a lot of bad legislation for the sake of a little good
Prop 30 (C): Temporary Taxes to Fund
Education – Recommend Oppose (No)
Concerns: Raises ~ $40B over 4 years (sales tax increase) and
7 years (income tax increase). California has highest sales tax in nation; second in income
tax (highest if passed). Businesses pay
large portion of sales taxes and will pass onto consumer. How much is enough for
schools (open-ended)?
Consider: Constitutional balanced budget requirement ignored
for years (Eccl 5:4-7), should further fiscal irresponsibility be encouraged by a
regressive sales tax and punishing wealth generators? Revenue designated for
schools subject to Prop 98 requirements, with excess used elsewhere (bait and
switch; Proverbs 20:14). Temporary nature of tax creates dependence and harder
problems later (Prov 22:3). There are consequences to accumulated debt
(Proverbs 22:7; Psalm 37:21). If legislature incapable of balancing budget now,
how will more tax revenue make the process any better (1 Tim 6:10a)? Prior
temporary sales tax didn’t “solve” budget problem, why would this (Prov 26:11)?
Prop 31 (C): Establish Two Year State
Budget Cycle – Recommend Oppose (NO)
Unjustifiable future revenue projections have allowed current 1 year deficit
budgets to be rationalized – putting off the
inevitable and disregarding Constitutional obligations. Any tax cuts must be
offset with revenue increases, therefore no
reduction in spending. If Governor declares fiscal emergency a majority vote by
legislature will pass budget.
Consider: If current budget cycle can’t address
near term economic upheavals, how will a 2 year budget account for uncertainty James
4:13-14)? False premise on role of government: “promote prosperous economy,
quality environment; community
equity” also “increasing employment, improving
education, decreasing poverty, decreasing crime and improving
health” (Rom 13:1-6; 1 Peter 2:14; justice and order). Wrong government roles mandated down to local
levels thru Community
Strategic Action Plans.
Prop 32 (S): Prohibitions on Political
Candidate Contributions – Recommend Support (YES)
Concerns: Unions use payroll deductions for
major political influence independent of member’s beliefs, desires, or a proper
only on employment collective bargaining. Public employee union political
influence makes elected representatives
an advocate, not defending our interest in limiting costs. Unfortunately, has
some 1st Amendment freedom
of speech issues for corporations.
Consider: Taking money from unwilling workers
and using for objectionable purposes is immoral (Acts 5:29). Cuts off major union
financial control of law makers (Exodus 23:8; 1 Timothy 6:10a)). Also, will
prevent government contractors from donating
to those making contract decisions (removes conflicts of interest (Prov 17:8;
Prop 33 (S): Allow Auto Insurance
Comp.’s to Use Drivers Insurance
History – Recommend Support (YES)
Concerns: Government
regulates and restricts insurance company rating factors and rates (16 factors
now; Prop 103 prioritized three major factors). Measure allows one additional factor to be used
(not mandated) allowing more flexibility.
Allows proportional consideration for
non-specified lapses in coverage (other than military; loss of employment; 90
days any reason; parents eligibility).
Consider: Since
government regulates auto insurance industry already, this gives more
flexibility for potential use in setting rates and increases
competition/consumer options. Not all possible conditions can be accounted for
(Eccl 9:11)
Prop 34 (S): Repeal of Death Penalty – Recommend Oppose (No)
Concerns: Very sensitive issue. Many practical
problems (justified and unjustified costs; time delays) shouldn’t trump
justice. Extreme
limitations on capital punishment already inhibit justice for victim and
Consider: Murder uniquely defiles our land (Gen 4:10; Num 35:30-33). Justice is a foundational principle (Prov 21:15) and is to be proportional not vengeful (Deut 19:15-21). Sanctity of own life forfeited by murder (Gen 9:5-6; Ex 20:13). Executing murderers a legitimate government duty (Rom 13:4). Life sentence prolongs justice and creates more issues (Eccl 8:11). Life in fallen world not risk free (wars, car accidents, etc.)(Eccl 9:11). If innocent, life sentence also unjust (Prov 18:5)
Prop 35 (S): Human Trafficking
Penalties and Sex Offender Registration – Recommend Support (YES)
Concerns: Registration (Internet service
providers/personal identifiers) requirements appropriate but establishes
precedent for future expansion. Excluding
educational/library facilities from ISP reporting is problematic and not
justifiable. Unfortunately, no restitution
for victims (Ex 22), fines go to services and law enforcement only.
Consider: Human Trafficking is slavery (depriving
personal freedom), treats victim as property, and is condemned (1 Tim 1:8-10). It severely abuses life created
in God’s image (Gen 1:27; James 3:9). Use of children particularly vile (Matt 18:6).
Prop 36 (S): Revisions to Three Strikes
Law – Unclear & Uncertain
Measure. Recommend Oppose (NO)
Concerns: Amends ’94 Prop #184 3-Strikes law. Proposed
revisions are very cumbersome and difficult to understand. Attorney General’s
analysis and text of measure are difficult to reconcile (1 Cor 14:33).
Consider: When laws are unclear with complex
exceptions, opportunities exist for abuse and inconsistency if lax judicial
climate exists
(1 Cor 14:8). Attorney General states
current courts may choose (in some instances) to ignore prior felonies (defeats
3-strike intent). Affect of this measure is very unclear, needs to be simpler with
greater focus.
Prop 37 (S): Mandatory Labeling of
Genetically Engineered Food – Recommend Oppose (NO
Concerns: Justifiable concerns about rDNA since long term consequences unknown. Not being fully informed about genetically altered food is problematic. Allowing public litigation with recovery of all investigation and prosecution costs is invitation for abuse and ideological promotion.
Consider: God placed limits on the creation of
species (Gen 1:11-12; 21; 24-25), rDNA violates this. Cannot anticipate future impact
of rDNA on living organisms and food supplies (higher risk of devastation with
fewer varieties). Good measure, however
the legal options create hostile opportunity for sustained financial attack on
legitimate non-organic businesses to
the benefit of “organic” approaches (Prov 20:14; Jer 17:9)
Prop 38 (S): Temporary Taxes to Fund
Education & Early Childhood Programs – Recommend Oppose (NO)
Concerns: Adds significantly
increased income tax burden to compensate for lack of fiscal restraint by State
over many years. Significant increase in government oversight of young
children from birth to Kindergarten.
Debt servicing allows General Fund use for any purpose (bait and switch;
Prov 20:14). Mandatory achievement goals can be gamed, with no real
consequences for non-chievement.
Consider: Temporary nature of tax creates dependence and
harder problems after 12 years (Prov 22:3; 1 Tim 6:10a). Goal is full- day, all-year preschool. Raising
children takes time by parents, the more time under government or 3rd party supervision the less opportunity
to personally equip our children (Prov 22:6; 4:1-27). Supplementing school funding
goes against living within means,
while income tax burden punishes businesses and individuals for past Bond (tax)
obligation decisions. Increasing taxes without
major restraint is presumption on the future (James 4:13-14a)
Prop 39 (S): Taxing of Multistate
Businesses & Clean Energy Funding – Recommend Oppose (NO)
Concerns: Revokes prior legislation that
provides tax options to multi-state companies.
Removing this could worsen an unfavorable California
business climate. There’s significant
uncertainty what the impact will be. Allocation of tax revenue is
for renewable energy projects and schools (Prop 98 application) instead of addressing
current deficit crisis.
Consider: In effect this is a public works
project (mostly schools and public buildings energy efficiency projects); no
enduring market
based job and business creation incentives (Prov 11:14a). More tax revenue to
support schools and non-specified General
Fund expenditures will ease pressure to address lack of fiscal restraint.
Prop 40 (R): State Senate District
Boundaries – Recommend Support (YES)
Concerns: Virtually impossible to
guarantee creation of equitable election district boundaries no matter what approach
is used: Citizens Redistricting
Commission (Prop 11 of ’08; Prop 27 of ’10); or appointed legislators in the
past. Prior
approach by legislators known to be compromised, and any CRC will also have
personal biases.
Consider: Any redistricting effort can be
gamed (Jer 17:9). People must ultimately choose their leaders (Deut 1:13) and
hold them
accountable. It’s not constructive to recapture something that was already
broken and expect a better outcome (Eccl
7:10). Voting YES retains the new district boundaries.
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Provided by Frank Kacer
Executive Director
Christian Citizenship Council (C3) of San Diego
Christian Citizenship Council (C3) of San Diego